Independent Fundamental King James Bible Believing Church

Be sure to ask about our bus routes! We have a bus and a van that pick up people free of cost in El Centro, Imperial, Seeley, and their outlying areas. If you want to be picked up, call (760) 352-3947 and let us know where you are! A bus captain will come by on Saturday morning to let you know when the bus will be by the following morning.
Faith Baptist Church is...
Faith Baptist Church is...
- a friendly, caring church
- independent of any denomination
- fundamental in Bible doctrine
- soul winning and missions minded
- separated and non-charismatic
- a Bible believer's Baptist church
A Church and Pastor Who Care About You!
A Church and Pastor Who Care About You!
- Exciting adult Bible classes
- Strong, helpful Bible preaching
- Clean, loving nursery care
- Children's church
- Youth Ministry
- Midweek Bible study
- Organized Soulwinning programs
- Sunday School classes for all ages
- Bread of Life Outreach

Christian school ministry
Christian school ministry
Congratulations to Valley Christian Heritage School for once again winning First Place for Academics at the Regional ACE Student Convention in Riverside, CA!
Valley Christian Heritage School is a K-12th grade ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) school, and it is a ministry of Faith Baptist Church. We have a student-teacher ratio of 8 to 1, and our students have won many medals and awards at regional and international student conventions. After inspection by representives of ACE, our school has received Quality School Status since 2011.
For more information about our school, click here.